The Gospel Singing Tent
Sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music and testimony
at the Allen County Fair in Lima, Ohio
A donation supported nonprofit ministry
All Events are Free Under the Tent with your paid admission to the Allen County Fair
First off, we would like to say a special THANK YOU to all of our 2024 Gospel Tent Sponsors and Supporters.
None of the amazing things that happen under our Big Tent would be a possibility if if weren't for you and your financial gifts.
With that being said, here are some highlights of those "amazing things"!
We had record numbers in attendance this year. Over 2,000 people came through the tent doors, whether they came for an evening concert, or for the special Senior Day festivities, or to bring their little ones to participate in Children Choosing Christ. Our biggest night by far was when Lima First Church opened the season for us by bringing their Revival Night to the Tent, and what a Holy Spirit charged time it was! Whew!
Every group that came brought their own style of Christ Centered music for us to enjoy and participate in. The Perry's and the Browder's delivered powerfully with the Gospel Quartet variety, while Midsouth came in mightily with their Country Gospel flavor.
Things switched gears when Caleb and John rocked the stage, followed by the soul stirring vocals of Stephen McWhirter, and Jordan St. Cyr took things to a new level for WTGN Night. Lima's own Veronica McLaurine primed our spiritual pumps to worship with Terrian.
We were so blessed to finish the week off with Worship Anyway, finishing strong with a mother and daughter who came forward to receive Christ as their Savior and followed in a believers baptism, provided by our friends with Revive Ohio!
We also had an AWESOME time of worship for our Sunday Church Service, special thanks to the Pastors and the worship team who ministered and brought a fiery word for us! They also provided a hot breakfast as a token of appreciation to the fair and concession workers, providing an opportunity for witness and encouragement for them as well.
We were so blessed to hear how God is working through ministries such as Operation Love Whosoever, The Salvation Army, Freedom in Christ, LIfeWise Academy, Community Relief, the West Ohio Christian Chamber of Commerce, WTGN, Soldiers of Honor and Revive Ohio. We encourage you to support these wonderful ministries as well.
May God bless everyone who had a hand in making the 2024 fair season at the Gospel Singing Tent successful! It is such a blessing to serve the LORD with you!
Come early to the Tent to listen to inspiring stories of God's wonders and workings in our Community. Testimonies begin at 6:30 just prior to the Concert.
Our 2025 Guests speakers will be announced at a later date. Stay tuned!
Contact us / Mail donations to:
Lori McCollum 419-296-9066
Debbie Burrell 567-204-6902
Larry Fink 419-231-7396
The Gospel Singing Tent
1800 Reservoir Rd. Lot 620
Lima, OH 45804
Find us on Facebook at :
The Gospel Singing Tent Allen County Ohio
Meet the GST Board
The current Gospel Singing Tent Board of Directors took over operations in 2021 with the retirement of long serving board member Gene Derringer. While the new board has brought many changes to the platform and profile of the Tent, the foundational mission remains the same: to boldly and faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and His truth through music and testimony at the Allen County Fair.
Our Partners
Serving the Kingdom Together
Children Choosing Christ
CCC has partnered with the Gospel Tent for many years. They are a gospel centered ministry geared for reaching the younger generations in fun, child friendly ways.
Program times for 2024 will run from 12-5pm on Saturday 8/17, Sunday 8/18, Monday 8/19, Friday 8/23, and Saturday 8/24.
This years theme is "Best Celebration Ever!"
Please be sure to bring your little people by to participate in this wonderful program! The seeds we plant today bear fruit for tomorrow!

WTGN 97.7
WTGN is a listener supported radio ministry that is dedicated to witnessing the good news of Jesus Christ.
WTGN helps support our mission by sponsoring a main stage event one night at the Fair. WTGN night for 2025 will be Thursday, August 21. The Artist is yet to be announced so stay tuned!
Other Members of the Team
The Gospel Tent is located on the fairgrounds near Gate A.

The Allen County Fair
The 2025 Fair will run from August 15-23
Fairgrounds are located at 2750 Harding Hwy, Lima, OH
and is easily accessible from I-75.
Gate admission is $10.00 per person
Children 6 and under are free.
Senior Day is Tuesday, August 20
Veterans Day is Friday, August 23
What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
The gospel message, very simply put, is the understanding of the Person and work of Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer of mankind as is described in the Holy Bible.
We must first understand that as human beings, we are all born into this earth as sons and daughters of Adam. Adam was created as the first son of God and was given charge over all of God's earthly domain. When Adam rebelled against God in the Garden of Eden, he lost his position of authority as well as the eternal Spirit that united him with his heavenly Father. Adam was rendered at that moment spiritually dead.
Adam could not pass onto his sons and daughters a life that he no longer had. Consequently, all those born of him are born alive in body and soul, but not in Spirit. Because of this, they were no longer equipped to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven and experience an eternal life with God. This includes every human being born into this earth from the very beginning of time, regardless of race, ethnicity, tongue or tribe.
The gospel of Jesus Christ is simply this:
Jesus came into the world as the only begotten Son of God, conceived of the seed of a woman and of the Holy Spirit. In this way, He did not inherit the sin, nor the sin nature of fallen Adam.
Jesus did what Adam failed to do, in that He lived a life of perfect obedience to His Heavenly Father throughout His entire life. In this way, Jesus never committed any acts of sin.
Jesus Christ took upon Himself the sins of mankind and carried them to the cross, where He was sacrificed as a payment for sin in the eyes of God. The justice of God was satisfied by His atoning death.
But because Jesus Himself was perfect and sinless, He could not be bound by the bonds of death and hell. He was raised again by the Spirit of God on the third day.
After His resurrection, He ascended into the Kingdom of Heaven, received again by His Heavenly Father to sit at His right hand and reign over all of creation as the Rightful King.
One day very soon, Jesus will return to establish His earthly Kingdom and reclaim all that is lawfully His. All of heaven and earth will be renewed and reunited in perfection as it was always meant to be.
Everything that Christ did can be applied to you by simply believing the Truth about Who He is and what He has done for you. When you call upon His Name in faith, and in confession and repentance for your sins, He hears you and will receive you. In a perfect exchange, He will take away your sin and give you the life of Holy Spirit. When you do this, you are one with Christ, a child of God, and equipped to inherit the kingdom God intended for you from the foundations of the earth. With the aid of the Spirit of holiness within you, you too can live a life of obedience to your Heavenly Father, living a life that reflects the light and love of God dwelling within you.
It is our prayer that you would be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ and all that He has done for you. We pray that you would find hope and healing in this restoring relationship. It is a life you were meant to live and a life that was purchased for you by the blood of Jesus.